MYOB Asia (the publisher of MYOB software for Asia) has launched the latest version of MYOB Accounting v18 and MYOB Premier v12. Also included in this latest launch is MYOB Premier Plus v12.
What's new in the latest version, as compared to the previous version? I want to highlight 2 new interesting features.
1. Spelling check.
Something seemingly unrelated to Accounting, but equally important if you want to present a professional image to your customers. MYOB software can now check the spelling in your sales, purchase and item information. It checks for misspelled words, and the user can have a choice to add the word to to the spelling dictionary or to ignore the word. For example, the word 'Petaling Jaya' is considered a misspelled word in the dictionary, but it is a valid spelling of the city I am living in! So I add it to the dictionary, and in future if I spelled it as 'Petalign Jaya' (which I always do), then it will highlight to me my typo error. Cool!
2. Enhanced search feature
There are now more options to sort information in the Cards,Items, Activities and Locations list. Example of search filters for Cards List are : phone number, email address, city and postcode, while for Items list, you can search by Primary supplier and Supplier Item number.
MYOB Premier Plus v12 has a new Payroll feature suitable for Malaysian companies.
Other features was introduced to make working in MYOB a breeze.
To learn more about the new features go to MYOB website
Note : Upgrading your file from an older version can be done in minutes. Try it out