We have compiled several readily-available videos to help you learn MYOB at your own pace.
0. MYOB Accounting - Overview
1. Creating new company file
2. Creating Accounts List (Chart of Accounts)
3. Enter Opening Balance for Accounts
4, Setting up Sales
5. Creating new Customer and Supplier card file details
6. Entering Sales transactions
7. Setting up Purchases
8. Entering Purchase transactions
9. Entering Banking transactions
10. Reconcile your bank accoutns
11. Find Transactions
12.Customise and design forms
14. Combine Accounts codes
15. User passwords and accessibity
PGL Business Consult is an approved MYOB Partner for the South Asian region. Our consultants are accountants by profession, and we have installed and implemented the MYOB software for more than 600 Malaysian companies, and trained thousands of users to use the system.
To know more about us, visit our website http://www.pglbusiness-services.com/