Nov 19, 2011

Who pays your salary

If you don't already know, this video will remind you who pays your salary, and its not the BOSS.


Carlene Schnitzer said...

Yup, the customer is boss. You've said it right, and if they aren't satisfied, it's like having a salary deduction. A basic calculation of the influx of money is based on this relationship so you better take care of it.

Phyllis Stoffel said...

That's why there is the saying that customers are always right. Every business owner targets customer satisfaction. If that happens, that would be an accomplishment for your business.

Claudia Ortiz said...
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Jamie Shellman said...

The customers are your ultimate boss because they are the source of your company’s income. The more customers a company has, the higher its revenue gets. Without a sufficient number of customers, a company may not be able to sustain its needs .There would be no funds for business expansion and adequate payment of employees. Thus, it is only logical to satisfy their needs and meet their expectations because your company will not remain intact without them.

Jamie Shellman

Darcy Grubaugh said...

True that! In any kind of business, the customer is the boss. The employers handle the money, but it’s the customers who pay the wages. Your job is to satisfy the customer and attend to his needs because it is the very reason why your job exists in the first place. Keeping this in mind will help you foster a customer-focused culture.

Darcy Grubaugh